Yes, but why do you call them a ‘Higher Power’?
From the moment I started laying plans for this blog, I knew I would be writing about the majestic coastal redwoods of Northern California. But where should I start? I think my first encounter with the Redwoods must have come when I was 4, and my parents bought an old car to emigrate via U.S. 101 from Seattle to San Francisco. My memory of the trees is at once vague and specific, so I won’t start there. Instead I start today with an epistle of my most recent pilgrimage to redwood country. And eventually, I will tell the long, winding story, from being estranged from these trees to clasping them as one of my higher powers. Some of it is even fictional. Stay tuned!
Personal notes from some long-time friends and acquaintances have sparked some intriguing discussions, but I am a little bit disappointed that only one person—my wife—has posted a comment on the blog. How about some ripostes, rejoinders, retorts (a fine trio of synonyms!)—or even some comments that burst into new territory? Failing that, I will have to introduce a new feature—metatalk, or talking about the blog. Heaven forfend!
This week’s featured epistles:
Logging the Redwoods. New post features a dream challenging me to act with regard to these great trees.
A Starting Lineup – at Last! Even as I finally lay out the 10 planks of my loving-kindness practice, I acknowledge that one plank has already been swapped out. Be sure to read the footnotes!
Is My Practice Static—or Dynamic? When I started doing loving-kindness, I thought it would be long-lived, but in truth, it seems always to be in flux!
Introducing the First Contributor to ‘Gratitude’
Today I introduce the first contributor to the blog. I have known Mimi Simmons for nearly 50 years, and recently was reunited with her at a memorial service for a mutual friend. She introduces herself in her first post today. Another is in the wings, and I hope she will chime in from time to time. Soon I will be introducing a second contributor!
A Big Huzzah
It’s all too easy to think of the Save the Redwoods League as a giant of the past. And indeed, it has helped create 66 parks and save more than 200,00 acres of redwoods. But the work goes on. Everybody who loves the redwoods should take this opportunity to be connect and contribute.
Check out the website, particularly:
Til next time …
May you keep meditating, and find an approach that encourages social justice.